Friday, September 06, 2013

Top Seven Mistakes in Building Website

Are you building a website that doesn't get viewers bored? Here are list of common mistakes for you to check through and fix your site before launching it officially. 

- No Call to Action: Are you asking for conversion without giving a taste to viewers? Webpage without call to action has nothing that activates the readers. Try seeing what the pages does for audience. Think of a clear purpose of what you want to achieve through that page. 

- No Address Bar: Unless your website is for simple product or a figure, audience wants to find what they want to find out about. Especially when your site has many articles to dig in, it is always convenient for viewers to have address bar on the website. 

- Passive Verbs: Is your website active or passive? Use active verbs and get rid of passive tense. 

- Long Passages: 260-600 words on a single webpage is known so that viwers can read easily. If longer than that, readers either would skip or not read at all. Visuals with short text welcomes viewers to stay longer and feel comfortable with your site. 

- Cluttered badges: Never emphasize too much on social media and other company banners that do not help promote your site but theirs. It tells the reader saying, "We don't have much to promote." 

- Portal Look: Do not clutter your website with unrelated topics, as it creates scattered attention to readers. Try focusing on top three things that you want your readers to get. More than that would rather divert readers to close the window. 

- No Compatibility: Make sure you test out your website in multiple devices and browsers. Try both on Mac and PC. Tablet and mobile. Firefox and Safari. This will optimize your traffic and avoid blunders. 


Unknown said...

The websites must have a really good interface look at Facebook why they are so famous it's just because they provide the best interface to their consumers.

Silvester Norman

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Unknown said...
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