Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tips on Socializing with Colleagues at Work

It is challenging for the office workers to socialize each other or it is a challenging subject to think about how much socializing is ideal. If you are rather an introverted person who does not open up easily to others, here are some ways to start off the conversation and socialize with your colleagues.


- Try initiating short talks whenever you run across someone in the office even if it is about the weather, food or holidays. This shows your effort to be open-friendly and can reduce any misunderstandings.
- Take five minutes in the afternoon to drop by offices of those whom you want to socialize with. It does take a little effort but the friendly chats surely contribute to ease the atmosphere and makes work more tolerable.
- Even if you don't have any topics at hand, try getting to know others as genuine people. Ask what they like and improve your relationships.


- In your conversations, avoid speaking about religion and politics as these two can possibly become a sensitive or even offensive topic for anyone.
- Avoid being absent to the corporate event like Christmas lighting, for example. Those activities become a good opportunity to bond instead of wasting time.
- Do not hesitate to ask about the topics that you are not knowledgeable at. Rather try taking interest, follow up with the news stories that others like.