Saturday, December 29, 2012

Setting Up YII Framework for the first time

In order to setup YII Framework at ease, you would need SSH access for your production server
  1. Upload latest stable YII Framework to the directory you wish to install YII app 
  2. Open SSH or Terminal on Mac 
  3. Type ssh username@ip (or your domain name)
  4. Enter the password
  5. Using "ls" to view the directory and "cd" to move, go to the directory where you want to install YII
  6. Type directory where yii framework is located and write webapp and type the name of the application    e.g. php www/yii/framework/yiic webapp AppName
    This will create an application called AppName on the folder where you are in
  7. You are ready.  For security purposes, move the framework and application folder above www directory, so that they are not accessible on the web