Here are several ways to securely store files on your server
1. Store files in your web directory and secure them using .htaccess.
2. Or store the files in a directory that isn't web-accessible but is readable by the user PHP runs as.
3. If you are using Apache you can use htaccess to password protect directories. (
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
How to Customize cGridView Data Column
I wanted to display the building information in a cGridView table with a owner that has a foreign key with building ID. Here is how you can customize cGridView Data column.
In Controller, you can add a function
protected function gridDataBuildingInfo($data,$raw) {
// ... generate the output for the column
// Params:
// $data ... the current row data
// $row ... the row index
return $model->name;
/* Another example without the need to connect with the database */
protected function gridSeasonName($data,$row)
switch ($data->Season) {
case 1:
return "Winter";
case 2:
return "Fall";
case 3:
return "Summer";
case 4:
return "Spring";
And in the views/owner/admin.php,
you can modify CGridView as below:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
array('name'=>'church_id', 'value'=>array($this,'gridDataBuildingInfo')),
Here is a link to wiki about customizing complex data columns in cGridView.
In Controller, you can add a function
protected function gridDataBuildingInfo($data,$raw) {
// ... generate the output for the column
// Params:
// $data ... the current row data
// $row ... the row index
return $model->name;
/* Another example without the need to connect with the database */
protected function gridSeasonName($data,$row)
switch ($data->Season) {
case 1:
return "Winter";
case 2:
return "Fall";
case 3:
return "Summer";
case 4:
return "Spring";
And in the views/owner/admin.php,
you can modify CGridView as below:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
array('name'=>'church_id', 'value'=>array($this,'gridDataBuildingInfo')),
Here is a link to wiki about customizing complex data columns in cGridView.
YII: How to create a dropdown list with database information
I need to create a dropdown list from a database table data.
Here is an example that I created for displaying school quarter information.
You can use this in the /view folder _form.php file.
e.g. /view/season/_form.php
<div class="row">
<?php /* Display label */
echo $form->labelEx($model,'QuarterID'); ?>
/* Retrieve data - select QuarterID, Year, Season; ordered by QuarterID DESC */
$Qmodels = Quarter::model()->findAll(array('select'=>'QuarterID, Year, Season','order'=>'QuarterID DESC'));
$data = array();
/* Used array to rename the season name to something more clear */
$season = array(1=>'Winter','Fall','Summer','Spring');
foreach ($Qmodels as $Qmodel)
$data[$Qmodel->QuarterID] = $Qmodel->Year . ' '. $season[$Qmodel->Season]; ?>
/* Display "Select Quarter" by default */
echo $form->dropDownList($model,'QuarterID',$data, array('empty'=>'Select Quarter')) ;?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'QuarterID'); ?>
Here is an another example from It is a simple and good example.
Here is an example that I created for displaying school quarter information.
You can use this in the /view folder _form.php file.
e.g. /view/season/_form.php
<div class="row">
<?php /* Display label */
echo $form->labelEx($model,'QuarterID'); ?>
/* Retrieve data - select QuarterID, Year, Season; ordered by QuarterID DESC */
$Qmodels = Quarter::model()->findAll(array('select'=>'QuarterID, Year, Season','order'=>'QuarterID DESC'));
$data = array();
/* Used array to rename the season name to something more clear */
$season = array(1=>'Winter','Fall','Summer','Spring');
foreach ($Qmodels as $Qmodel)
$data[$Qmodel->QuarterID] = $Qmodel->Year . ' '. $season[$Qmodel->Season]; ?>
/* Display "Select Quarter" by default */
echo $form->dropDownList($model,'QuarterID',$data, array('empty'=>'Select Quarter')) ;?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'QuarterID'); ?>
Here is an another example from It is a simple and good example.
$qAlbums=Album::model()->findAll($criteria); $albums = array(); foreach($qAlbums as $p) { $albums[$p->AlId] = $p->AlDescr; } return $albums;
and then give $albums as parameter to
$form->dropDownList($model, 'attribute', $albums);
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