Saturday, January 14, 2012

Testing TrackStar Application with YII

Chapter 5. Project CRUD
  • Design the database schema to support projects
  • Build the needed tables and all other database objects indentified in the schema
  • Create the Yii AR model classes needed to allow the application to easily interact with the created database table(s)
  • Create the Yii controller class(es) that will house the functionality to:
    a. Create new projects
    b. Fetch a list of existing projects for display
    c. Update metadata on existing projects
    d. Delete existing projects
  • Create the Yii view files and present their logic in a way that will:
    a. Display the form to allow for new project creation
    b. Display a list of all the existing projects
    c. Display the form to allow a user to edit an existing project
    d. Add a delete button to the project listing to allow for project deletion
Chapter 6. Project CRUD
  • Design the database schema to support projects
  • Build the needed tables and all other database objects indentified in the schema
  • Create the Yii AR model classes needed to allow the application to easily interact with the created database table(s)
  • Create the Yii controller class(es) that will house the functionality to:
    a. Create new projects
    b. Fetch a list of existing projects for display
    c. Update metadata on existing projects
    d. Delete existing projects
  • Create the Yii view files and present their logic in a way that will:
    a. Display the form to allow for new project creation
    b. Display a list of all the existing projects
    c. Display the form to allow a user to edit an existing project
    d. Add a delete button to the project listing to allow for project deletion
Source: Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Basic Setup to using Yii Framework

1. Install Yii Framework
2. Setup User-friendly URLs
3. Using Gii for automatic code generation tool
4. Set DB information in localhost/your_project/protected/config/main.php

In running the command line, make sure to add
* path="c:\xampp\php" or path to php

Now basic preparation for web application is set in place. ^___^

Monday, January 09, 2012

Using MySQL Workbench

I am using MySQL Workbench for Entity-Relationship Diagramming (ERD) tool to plan and make blueprint of my new web project. It's a great tool for any database work with MySQL.