Saturday, August 20, 2005

Future Leaders' Must Have's

Do you want to be a good leader? What would be a few characteristics of future leaders?

Let's take a look at the untapped world of Internet.

First of all, we must utilize Internet as a tool for evangelism. Younger generations rely on Internet for their friendly source of information or for communication purposes. Nowadays, many young Christian leaders use Internet to gain knowledge for their churches, ministries, or their organizations. Now is the time for the word to enter the extensive network called Internet and provide young thirsty souls with the guidance that they need for their spiritual growth.

Good leaders must manage their websites' contents well. The website has to be constantly updated in order to bring in many readers. Then, the content in the website will be carried affectively.

Second of all, remember the world needs the message the most. As written in the Book of Amos, the time will come and has come when there is famine of not hearing the word of the Lord. People need the message of God. We must convey the message through the new medium, Internet.

Third, the website needs to be ascetically appealing to the readers. The leaders need artistic sense. Technology will advance and every one will catch up to the technology. However, we must draw attention through well-organized contents and appealing websites.

With this in mind, let us become leaders that can success in brining many back to Christ.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Church Growth Movement in the 21st century

I read very interesting article about the Church Growth Movement in the 21st century.

In former decades, the goal of the Church Growth Movement and its leaders was to build megachurches for the stated purpose of reaching the lost and impacting the community for Christ. But now speakers suggested that the church is to "go global"; and, as we shall see, this does not mean sending out missionaries to preach the Gospel and establish local, indigenous churches. Rather, this new global approach entails using the resources of the church to change societies through effecting social, economic and political justice—in other words, to further "establish God's kingdom on earth."

You can read the full article here.